Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Our Answer (Part 3 of 3)

   We knew we wanted a heavy Christian emphasis on our children’s education, so our next step was to investigate private schools in the area. They were crazy expensive; some were as high as $32,000.00 a year for kindergarten! I knew this would result in me going back to work full time to pay for it, but I was willing to look into whatever option God may be leading us toward. The only problem with that was every time I completely stilled myself before the Lord, I knew He was calling me to stay at home full time with my son who was just turning three. I even had a nagging feeling the past 3 1/2 months that I should have not taken on the part time job at the local YMCA, so I could focus on being a better mom and wife. Even in the midst of that thought, we chugged along making phone calls, looking over the budget, and even going to a local private school open house. The school and staff were amazing. They gave us a tour, the kids loved the kindergarten classroom, and the teacher was a dream. They talked much of the Lord and how they emphasize Christ in the school and activities.

  However, something else was brewing. I left that day with a complete knowledge that we could do this at home, and somehow we could do it better. This was a confusing feeling. I had several education classes in college, but neither my husband nor myself have professional teaching experience. All I can say was God has been drawing our hearts home, metaphorically and physically. That next week was Ash Wednesday. For Lent, I decided to eliminate meat from my diet, to dump junk food (for the most part), and completely surrender this to God. (Meaning, not badgering Matt every five minutes about giving me an answer.) I bit my tongue, prayed for him to come to me with his decision, and prayed it was the same as mine. God truly is a compassionate Lord and knew that that I was about to chew my tongue off. Therefore, He thankfully did not make me wait long. The next morning Matt stuck his head in the bathroom while I was showering and said something like, “You know we should home school this year, and we could always send the kids to school at some point; it’s not like we have to do it forever. You are going to be at home with Fisher anyway, so you might as well. I just got through reading this book on Tim Tiebow and he was home schooled. It looks like it worked out for him.”

  Words could not describe my elation! We were on the same page, and we had finally made a decision. I stopped filling out financial aid paperwork. I stopped scouring the Internet for mommy jobs. I became the first person on the planet to attend a Dave Ramsey conference, come home, and quit my part time job. (Turns out we were still wasting enough money each month to justify this.) Then, I started directing my energies toward home school research. Which by the way is CRAZY! There are so many resources out there that I have already put myself on a break. The bottom line is, pray without ceasing about all things, especially your child’s education. “Do not be normal. Normal is broke!” (Ha, see I learned something from Dave. ) But seriously, normal is of this world. Christians are aliens on earth, and we are supposed to be acting weird and marching to a different beat. Again, it may be different for your family. Just make sure you are seeking God’s will and not basing your decisions on what you think you can accomplish with your own gifts and abilities. God's plan is to display his awesome power through imperfect people.

  In addition, God could have told me right away what to do. However, the process was a pivotal learning experience. That is life. It is a journey of day-to-day steps that lead us into a walk throughout our lives. He is showing me how to find him and find joy along the journey.


  1. Great post Alice and from one homeschool mom to another...you can do it and will love all the advantages. There will be days that you wish you could put them on the bus that passes your house, but most of those days are days that Mommy just needs the Lord a little more and has nothing to do with the kids at all. I love the snowy mornings when I didn't have to get out and the kids could stay snuggled in their PJ's as long as they wanted. (I miss those days sometimes :) You will be great at this and you won't regret the time you keep them home and pour into them. It's a lot easier to program the things you want in instead of having to reprogram each day the things you want out!! Love you guys and miss you. Will be praying as you begin. Just remember the basics, especially for Kindergarten...the Three R's. Writing, Reading and Arithmetic. Don't stress out, you really can't mess up kindergarten :) Have fun!!!

  2. Alice I am so glad to gear you have chosen this path! We are also homeschooling! I have read some really great books to help get started on the right foot. The first year of homeschooling by Linda Dobson (she has a lot of great books). Also the original home schooling series by Charlotte Masson. We have also been praying and seeking God's guidance for this path in our life. It just seemed to become so clear that this is exactly what God was telling us to do. Shannon was kinda like Matt, saying it could be a temporary thing. If you have any great ideas please share! I think of you often and have also (don't think I'm crazy) been dreaming about you. I'm not sure but I believe God speaks to me through my dreams. Call sometime I would love to catch up with you!! I will be in TN in April, maybe I will try to make a trip to Nashville and home visit a dear and treasured friend. Veleka
