Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Solutide in the Shower (Part 1 of 2)

As a mother to a 3 and 4 year old, most epiphanies come to me in the oasis I have created in our home, the bathroom. Although I have an occasional guest “break into” my haven, it is usually the one place I can go during awake hours of the day and experience solitude, and a locked door. I am usually up early in the mornings and sit on the sofa for a devotion and Bible study time. However, there is something divine that happens in these bathroom encounters as I sit on the tub floor with all of the hot water beating my body. I close my eyes and pray, worship, ask questions, listen, and dream. One such moment happened last week, and I wanted to share it with you.
Beneath the sin and selfishness, there grows in me a deep desire to honor God and grow ever closer to Him. My walk with God is comparable to my observation of an onion.  When cooking, I never use the top layer. In fact, depending on how long it has been hanging out in the kitchen, I continue to cut, peel, and throw away the dried out or bad layers until I get to the good stuff. It is now suitable for cooking. It was not worthless before, but the bad was on top of the good. The taste and flavor was not yet accessible or useable. God does the same thing with us. He sharply and precisely exposes sin and eradicates it, as long as we are yielded to his work in our life. It takes patience and work on His part, a yielding on our part. With that being said, I have come face the ugly layer once again in myself. At first, I was embarrassed it is even a struggle. I asked, “Surely not me LORD; I am more spiritually mature that that!” Nevertheless, I once again have been humbled and am being pruned of another hidden sin in my life. This story starts 3 years ago, after the birth of our second child. 
(To be continued tomorrow, I promise! Perfectionist at work here!)

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